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Sterre van Baardwijk
Description Design
There are many different things to consider when designing a new treatment room. For example, consider a broad target group with an age of 12+, safety rules and the wishes of the clients. I knew one thing for sure, it had to be different. The gloomy, old, uncomfortable and impersonal feeling must go. My design therefore creates a relaxed and homely atmosphere where everyone will feel at ease. The green color evokes a feeling of security and harmony. The wood feels natural and warm. The hazy mirrors on the ceiling allow extra sunlight to enter the room. I have used different seating options, whether you need to sit alone and secluded, together at the table with eye contact or together on the couch without eye contact: there is an option for every wish. In my design you see many triangular shapes, this has to do with my concept 'The healing mirror'. The healing mirror was created after I thought that I wanted to bring self-reflection back into the treatment room through mirrors. The triangular shapes that you see in the design come from the shards of a broken mirror. These shards refer to the damage to the clients. Because a triangle is a sharp and rough shape, I chose to round off the corners in my design. This looks a lot softer and is also less dangerous with the risk of impact. The triangular mirrors hang from the ceiling. These mirrors give a blurred image so that you do not look at yourself too directly, because not everyone has a positive self-reflection and wants to look directly at themselves.
About MADE-Life Foundation
We are committed to the advancement of mental health of children, young adults in the Netherlands and beyond. We do this by organising 'challenges' that innovate, inspire and inform in every possible way. These challenges act as a flywheel for the much needed changes in the mental health space.