Welcome to Other Information
There is lots of information available on many psychological disorders. If you know where to look. In the past few years we have collated some relevant information, which should be insightful to anyone with an interest in these mental conditions.

Emergency Numbers
MIND Korrelatie: 0900 - 1450
MIND Korrelatie is a nationwide Dutch organization. We offer anonymous, professional, psychological and psychosocial help. MIND Korrelatie provides individual advice and assistance to anyone who requests it. This can be done by telephone and online.
Depressielijn: 088 - 505 4334
Depressievereniging's motivated volunteers talk on the phone on workdays, think along and give encouraging suggestions. Of course they are also there for people who have someone close to them with depressive complaints.
Zelfmoordpreventie: 0800 - 0113
Stichting 113 Suicide Prevention is the national Dutch organization for suicide prevention. Our mission is a country in which no one dies lonely and desperate by suicide.
Treatments: what treatments are there?
These choice cards were created by MIND National Platform for Mental Health in collaboration with a number of other patient associations, such as the Depression Association and ADF, several University Medical Centers and many experienced experts. They are based on the relevant standards of care Akwa GGZ and the quality criteria of good care MIND.
ADHD:Treatment options for ADHD
Alcohol:Treatment options for Alcohol
Fear:Treatment options for anxiety
Bipolar:Treatment options for Bipolar
Depression: Treatment options for depression
Personality disorders:Treatment options for Personality Disorders
Psychosis:Treatment options for Psychosis
PTSD:Treatment options for PTSD
Fear & Depression: Treatment options'flow chart' based on next-of-kin experience
Mild forms of psychological vulnerabilities can also benefit from various forms of creative therapy ('vocational therapy') or bibliotherapy ('books as (self) therapy')

Patient Advocacy
Patient Advocacy: several patient advocacy associations for- and by fellow sufferers and next-of-kin and volunteers
Anxiety, OCD & Phobia: ADF Patient Advocacy Association
Depression: Depression Patient Advocacy Association
Overall Mental Health: National MIND Patient Advocacy Association
Eating Disorders: Weet Patient Advocacy Association
Video & Podcasts
Podcast series 'Donkergrijze Cellen' from National Brain Foundation (‘Hersenstichting’) about anxiety, depression, also including stories from (former) patients (Dutch)
Podcast series 'OPEN over Depressiviteit' from OPEN Mind Foundation about the experiences with depression of 30 young adults (Dutch).
TED Talks about depression: series of several TED Talks (English).
Documentary 'Sunny Side of Spirit' from Sunny Bergman about how other cultures cope with psychological issues (Dutch).
Real life stories from the 'Hey, het is oke' Sire campaign (Dutch).
Online Tool 'De Checkers' from MIND.Us to detect, discuss and connect with young adults to talk through life's turmoil and issues. Listening techniques (Dutch)
Podcast series 'Leven en laten Leven' from PsyQ about a variety of psychological disorders (Dutch)
Podcast series 'PsychoLogisch' from PsyQ with professionals and (former) patients (Dutch).
Documentary 'De Erfenis' from Daan van der Elsken about serious depression (Dutch).

Many interesting books have been written about psychological problems. Many of these books are written from a professional point of view, although more and more books are written by (former) patients.
About Dutch Mental Health Care (GGZ)
"This is how healthcare works in the Netherlands", Gertrude van Driesten, et al
“This is how mental health care works,” Kees Wessels, et al
"This is how pharmaceutical care works", Kees Wessels, et al
“This is how health insurance works,” Robin Fransman, et al
"Being your own boss in mental health care, giving clients their own control", Rowan Bos, et al
"Mental progress, How do we increase the mental strength of the Netherlands", Kees Kraaijveld, et al
"The shortage of the excess: the paradox of mental care", Damiaan Denys
About the different conditions (Dutch & English)
"Diagnosis of depression: Psychiatrist and patient", Robert Schoevers & Selma Parmentier
"I don't see anything different about you: about mental disorders and the brain", Menno Oosterhoff
"False Alarm: living with an obsessive-compulsive disorder", Menno Oosterhoff, Psychiatrist & Patient
“The Devil of the Mind”/ “The Imp of the Mind”, Lee Baer
“Break Through Fear and Compulsion in Your Child”/ ”Breaking Free from Child Anxiety and OCD”, Eli R. Lebowitz
“Understanding Trauma: in 33 Questions,” Jim van Os, et al
About the patient perspective:
"Are you OK? Talking about depression", Allard de Witte, et al
“Pill: How a Comedian Overcame Depression,” Mike Bodde
"A stitch loose: living with fear", Iris ter Haar
"Just do something fun: living with depression", Aafke Romeijn
"Super spontaneous - and not awkward at all", Frederike Kossmann
"Nona: between life and death, living with my depression, anxiety disorder & anorexia", Nona Pols
"Confessions of a lunatic", Muriel
On the philosophy of mental health:
"Philosophy of madness: fundamental and transgressive insights", Wouter Kusters